Friday, July 14, 2017

"For the Children"

There are certain words and phrases that automatically make me suspicious. One of them is "for the children". That is one of the most manipulative phrases in the English language. How do you reply? "Um, yeah, I hate kids"? It seems like rational debate and argument based on facts can be shut down with this phrase. It is often used in politics but is definitely not limited to just one party or side. Both abuse it or are themselves manipulated or held hostage by it. Public opinion does not bode well for anyone who is not "for" the children.

We have accepted many things as being good for kids that aren't necessarily. Sometimes it's because we ourselves have been manipulated. Other times we let our fears guide our reasoning and what we decide is immoral.

Here are some of my personal "pet peeves" where "for the children" has trumped logic:

* Speed Limits in school zones when school is in session.
Do we seriously need to go 15 mph in the middle of the school day when kids are safely tucked inside classrooms? I get having a lower speed around the beginning and the end of the school day. But I'd be more in favor of a slower speed limit in the middle of the day Saturday or Sunday when kids are actually out playing, often less supervised, and crossing in more unexpected places. I mean, if it's really FOR the CHILDREN... Are we sure leaving the signs up all day isn't really for the cities to get more money giving speeding tickets?

* Throwing money at schools.
More money for schools isn't always bad - or good. But it seems like anytime I've seen money for education "discussed" the so-called discussion is quickly shut down anytime anyone questions the need for the money or where it would be used by the "for the children" argument.  You really care about children? Then do research to find what actually has worked to improve education - not just what FEELS good and makes sense in your mind. Just saying it's for the children doesn't make it automatically a good idea.

*Laws against leaving kids alone - in parked cars or really anywhere for that matter.
Did you know a child is 8 times more likely to die walking in the parking lot than being left in the car while mom runs in the store? Or that the risk of a child getting kidnapped is 0.0002 percent (and that's not just from cars). I think logic should prevail here. There are times leaving children alone is dangerous. But let's not make laws - or judge others - based on fear "for the children". Stop and actually gather facts so we can allow each family to make use their best judgment. Fear does not equally morally superior. And we shouldn't give the government power over with fear-based laws.
(Check out

 If you want to do something for the children do some legit research not fear-based reactions.